… You may not believe it, but it is true!
It is possible to experience profound joy even in the midst of gut-wrenching heartache. I can tell you this with assurance because I am experiencing it. Getting to the place where I can say that was not easy, in fact, it's been like climbing the most daunting mountain I could ever imagine!
From the night my son took his own life, I have been on a journey, searching for answers. I am driven by the need to make some sense out of it. I am compelled to understand why a young man with so much potential, so much to live for, and who was loved so very much, would do what he did.
After losing someone you love to suicide your mind is ravaged with lies that tell you it's your fault or you should have seen it coming or you could have prevented it somehow. It is a daily battle to sift the lies from the truth. Those lies will eat you alive if you let them. As I search for answers I am learning that I cannot control what happened, but I can control how I respond. I am learning just how powerful our thoughts really are.
I am not suggesting that all you need to do is just think positively and all of your problems will be solved because that would be a lie. Navigating the unexpected twists and turns on the pathway of life requires much more than a positive outlook. It requires guarding the gates of your mind to keep the lies out while embracing the excruciating emotions. It requires focusing on what is true and then strategically taking steps of faith to put that truth into action.
Here is what I am discovering...
Healthy thought patterns are intentional. They are rooted in the truth and when put into action they will lead you on a journey to discovering a joy-filled life of purpose. By intentionally acquiring healthy thought patterns you have the ability to literally carve out new pathways in your brain.
On the other hand, unhealthy thought patterns, what I call, 'Skewed Viewz,' not only hold you back from your potential, they also have the power to destroy you, if left unchecked. You see, unhealthy thought patterns also have the ability to carve out pathways in your brain.
Once these pathways begin to be carved out, whether healthy or unhealthy, it gets easier and easier to travel down them as they become well-worn, habitual, and almost instinctive behaviors.
So it boils down to this... What you choose to believe has the power to move the mountains that stand before you or the power to cut you off from the purpose for which you were created. It is your choice. You get to determine the outcome. You get to finish the story.
So, let me ask you...
Will you allow bitterness to bury you in pain? Will you allow sorrow to swallow your joy? Will you allow rage to rob you of peace? Will you allow fear to imprison you, or will you choose to break free?
How will your story end, my friend?
I am still writing my story and as I climb each mountain on this journey, I'm discovering my life's purpose through my pain. I hope you'll join me for my next mastermind group and let me show you how I'm finding hope, healing, and freedom.
Do it right now, my friend, before doubts, excuses, and fears fill your mind and keep you right where you are... hopeless, wounded, and imprisoned.
But let me tell you, it won't be easy because mountain climbing can be one of the most difficult things you'll ever do, and if you've ever climbed a real mountain, you understand how important it is to pack lightly!
My friend, deciding to climb your daunting mountain is the first step toward overcoming it. If you're willing to do whatever it takes to climb that mountain, then take your first step right now, by joining my next mastermind group, and let me help you Lighten Your Load!
It will change your life in ways that far exceed anything you could ever ask or imagine!
Sign up today, and let's climb that dang mountain TOGETHER!
Together we can Overcome even the most daunting Mountains!