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Writer's pictureKelly Neff

Love Never Gives Up

Kelly Neff Speaks - Tuesday Treasures - Love Never Gives Up 7-16-19
Photo: Kelly Neff

Two weeks ago, I was on vacation with family and friends in Colorado. We went on several hikes in the mountains, but my favorite was the hike to the top of Bridal Veil Falls, in Telluride. The views were incredible, and it was well worth the two-hour uphill trek.

I wore my Love Never Gives Up bracelet that day and I snapped a picture of it when we reached the top so that I could send it to my friends in New York. Love Never Gives Up is an organization on a mission “to engage the community in spreading the word that we are united in helping those struggling find help, hope, and healing.” This organization is a “community that cares deeply about saving the lives of our children and preventing another tragic loss of a friend, family member, or neighbor, to substance abuse, bullying, or suicide.”

As I stood at the top of the mountain that day, the words on the bracelet jumped out at me. I saw a striking connection between love, never giving up, and mountain climbing.

When we got out of the car that day to begin our uphill journey, it was very warm, and I questioned whether I would be able to climb all the way to the top. I have asthma and hiking in the heat can make it more difficult to breathe. The drastic change in altitude from Ohio to Colorado wasn’t a help either.

Shortly after we began our climb, we could see clouds beginning to build in the distance behind the mountain range. Weather can change quickly and drastically in the mountains and we were hopeful we wouldn't get caught in a storm. As we continued to climb, the clouds moved in and began to offer shade and cooler temperatures. Soon we heard thunder rumbling in the distance, and it wasn’t long before it began to sprinkle.

As we approached the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls, the mist was thick as it continuously billowed out from the enormous power of the water crashing onto the rocks. It became difficult to distinguish the rain from the mist of the waterfall. As we got closer, the rhythmic roar of the pounding water grew louder. Was the storm coming closer and intensifying or was it just our proximity to the falls that had cast a noticeable shadow over us?

Kelly Neff Speaks - Tuesday Treasures - Love Never Gives Up 7-16-19
Photo: Kelly Neff

As we continued up the trail of switchbacks and distanced ourselves from the falls, it became clear that they had been responsible for the heavier “precipitation.” The increased darkness we felt in that place was simply due to entering the shadow of the expansive rock face. Although we continued to hear an occasional rumble of thunder off in the distance, we continued our climb. When we finally reached the top, we marveled at the magnificent views of the box canyon overlooking Telluride.

So, here is the connection I saw between love, never giving up, and climbing a mountain. Sometimes relationships can be like getting out of the car at the bottom of the mountain trail you hope to climb. When the air is hot and thin, you almost feel smothered because it's difficult to breathe easily.

As you walk through life with someone there can be twists and turns, much like the switchbacks on a mountain trail. You may feel like you have spent a lot of time walking uphill, but you don’t seem to be making much progress getting to the top.

Often you can see storms building in the distance. Sometimes powerful storms can unleash torrential downpours that rush down the mountainside in cascading waterfalls. The water roars as it flows rapidly, carrying debris, and temporarily flooding the rivers and streams below. Other times, what looked like a storm from afar, may end up producing only a little rain, but that little bit of rain can make wildflowers blossom along the trail, producing a spectacular array of color. If it never rained, the mountainside would be dry and susceptible to wildfires. So it is with relationships.

In relationships, it can be difficult to determine if you are in the path of a developing storm or if you're simply entering the shadow of the rock face and passing through the mist of a roaring waterfall. The storms of life are very real. They can develop quickly. They can be very powerful and destructive, leaving a pathway of debris in their wake. But they are also a necessary part of life. Without them, we may be destroyed by wildfires in a dry and brittle land. Without them, there would be no wildflowers painting the mountainside with a tapestry of amazing color.

When you finally conquer the steep, rocky, slippery trail, there is a spectacular view to behold at the top of the mountain. It almost takes your breath away, not because you're being smothered, but because the beauty of love is incomparable and extraordinarily greater than anything we can imagine. The thing is, in order to see the breathtaking view, it can be an arduous journey. You may question your ability to make it to the top. It may take every ounce of energy, determination, and willpower you can muster, but it is well worth the effort my friend!

Love Never Gives Up… no matter how difficult the climb may be.

May each of us have the strength, courage, and determination that is required to demonstrate love that is willing to climb mountains. May we exhibit true love… Love that Never Gives Up! It is a magnificent beauty to behold.


“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”

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