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Less < Than

Writer's picture: Kelly NeffKelly Neff

Kelly Neff Speaks -Tuesday Treasures- Less Than 4-9-19
Photo: Kelly Neff

It is so easy to believe you are worthless when you continually feel less than. Do you feel like you never measure up no matter what you do? Are you unable to feel satisfied with your work because you can only see the things you could have done better? Do you constantly compare yourself to others, secretly wishing you could be more like them? Do you have thoughts that begin with “If only I was…” and you can fill in the rest with a multitude of things… smarter, prettier, thinner, a better friend, a better mother, etc.?

Any thought that begins with “if only” is a red flag that your perspective is askew. Living with Skewed Viewz can suck the joy right out of your life. Feeling less than is a product of a vicious cycle filled with self-defeating thoughts that are multiplied exponentially through the lens of “if only.”

I have personally struggled with this feeling most of my life. I imagine everyone struggles with it at some point, but for some, this feeling defines them every single day. It negates joy and satisfaction. If we allow Skewed Viewz to rule our minds, negative thoughts will plot a course for our lives that will never intersect with our purpose.

I love math facts because you can be certain of the results, I mean 2 + 2 always equals 4, right? So why do we expect to take negative thoughts multiplied by Skewed Viewz and get positive results in life? It just doesn't add up and it never will.

Kelly Neff Speaks -Tuesday Treasures- Less Than 4-9-19

I believe it is impossible to discover our purpose with “if only's” plotting our course. If we want a different outcome, we must change the equation and plot a new course. If we want to find our purpose and experience the infinite joy and deep satisfaction that comes with it, then we must change the formula we have been using.

We must replace the “if only's” with “I am.” Instead of listening to lies that distract us, lies that entice us to compare ourselves to others, lies that say we are less than, we must intentionally refocus our thoughts on truth and earnestly search to discover who we were created to be.

The absolute truth is that we are all created equal. Not one of us is greater than or less than another. We each have great value and we each have a purpose.

Kelly Neff Speaks -Tuesday Treasures- Less Than 4-9-19

My friend, if you want to change the way you live, then you must change the way you think. “If only” is a lie that wants to keep you from discovering your purpose. The truth is, you are here for a reason. You matter. You have a purpose.

Your purpose will not only make a difference in the lives of those around you, but it will ultimately change your life.

May you experience freedom, peace, and joy greater than you could ever ask or imagine as you take hold of negative thoughts that say you are less than and replace them with absolute truth.


Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, “ declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


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