When darkness invades my soul
Pain permeates every fiber of my being
Can I ever be made whole?
It seems impossible to recover from this crushing blow
I cry and weep and mourn what is lost
It haunts every waking moment, like a never-ending nightmare, it seizes me, and won't let go
I run from it, trying to escape it and be free
But it chases me and hunts me down
Then it drags me back, locks me up, and holds me in captivity
How can I escape this prison? Oh, where is the key?
I am bound up in darkness, its grip is so tight I can barely breathe
Oh Lord, I need you to set me free!
My heart is shattered, no peace can I find
My thoughts are filled with piercing questions and lingering doubts
Oh Lord, help me to trust you and renew my mind
I Am right here beside you, dear one, turn to me and look into my face
Trust me, my child, come close if you want to hear
My voice is a gentle whisper that can only be heard in a still and quiet place
The freedom that you seek is found by looking deeply into my eyes
I have already given you the key
To use it you must choose to believe the truth and rebuke the lies
What you focus on is what you will see
Where you walk is where it will lead
What you think on is how you will be
You have faced great suffering and difficulty
But I Am an awe-inspiring artist and if you are willing
I can take your brokenness and your ashes and weave them into a magnificent tapestry
Oh Father,
I looked away and lost my way, then stumbled and fell into a dark and bottomless pit
I am tired of running, I am empty and exhausted, and I am in desperate need of rest
Today I am intently looking into your eyes once again
I am quiet and still, so I can hear the whisper of your voice
I am nestling in closely beside you… and it is here I will choose to sit
Dear friends,
I have been in a very dark place for several months. I have been doing only what is necessary to survive each day. Today is the first time I have been able to write in many weeks. I am sharing this publicly in hopes that it will help someone else who is in a dark place right now.
I intend to begin writing again, as I believe it is something God has called me to do. However, I am just beginning to climb out of the deep, dark pit I have been in, so I will be taking it slowly. Thank you for your patience, love, and support!
My heart goes out to all who find themselves in a dark place. Know that you are being prayed for, you are loved, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE.